- MongoDB - http://www.mongodb.org/
- Express - http://expressjs.com/
- AngularJS - https://angularjs.org/
- Node.js - http://nodejs.org/
node.js & npm
Node.js はイベント化された入出力を扱うUnix系プラットフォーム上のサーバーサイドJavaScript環境である(V8 JavaScriptエンジンで動作する)。
npm is the package manager for javascript.
# rpm -Uvh http://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/pub/Linux/Fedora/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm # yum install nodejs npm ~省略~ ========================================================================================= Package Arch Version Repository Size ========================================================================================= Installing: nodejs x86_64 0.10.36-3.el6 epel 521 k npm noarch 1.3.6-5.el6 epel 329 k Installing for dependencies: c-ares19 x86_64 1.9.1-5.el6.3 epel 73 k ~省略~ Transaction Summary ========================================================================================= Install 95 Package(s) ~省略~ Complete!
# node -v v0.10.36 # npm -v 1.3.6
# node --help Usage: node [options] [ -e script | script.js ] [arguments] node debug script.js [arguments] Options: -v, --version print node's version -e, --eval script evaluate script -p, --print evaluate script and print result -i, --interactive always enter the REPL even if stdin does not appear to be a terminal --no-deprecation silence deprecation warnings --trace-deprecation show stack traces on deprecations --v8-options print v8 command line options --max-stack-size=val set max v8 stack size (bytes) --enable-ssl2 enable ssl2 --enable-ssl3 enable ssl3 Environment variables: NODE_PATH ':'-separated list of directories prefixed to the module search path. NODE_MODULE_CONTEXTS Set to 1 to load modules in their own global contexts. NODE_DISABLE_COLORS Set to 1 to disable colors in the REPL Documentation can be found at http://nodejs.org/
# npm --help Usage: npm <command> where <command> is one of: add-user, adduser, apihelp, author, bin, bugs, c, cache, completion, config, ddp, dedupe, deprecate, docs, edit, explore, faq, find, find-dupes, get, help, help-search, home, i, info, init, install, isntall, issues, la, link, list, ll, ln, login, ls, outdated, owner, pack, prefix, prune, publish, r, rb, rebuild, remove, restart, rm, root, run-script, s, se, search, set, show, shrinkwrap, star, stars, start, stop, submodule, tag, test, tst, un, uninstall, unlink, unpublish, unstar, up, update, version, view, whoami npm <cmd> -h quick help on <cmd> npm -l display full usage info npm faq commonly asked questions npm help <term> search for help on <term> npm help npm involved overview Specify configs in the ini-formatted file: /root/.npmrc or on the command line via: npm <command> --key value Config info can be viewed via: npm help config npm@1.3.6 /usr/lib/node_modules/npm
Twitter 製の JavaScript パッケージ管理ライブラリ
# npm install -g bower
# bower --help bower ESUDO Cannot be run with sudo Additional error details: Since bower is a user command, there is no need to execute it with superuser permissions. If you're having permission errors when using bower without sudo, please spend a few minutes learning more about how your system should work and make any necessary repairs. http://www.joyent.com/blog/installing-node-and-npm https://gist.github.com/isaacs/579814 You can however run a command with sudo using --allow-root option
# bower --help --allow-root Usage: bower <command> [<args>] [<options>] Commands: cache Manage bower cache help Display help information about Bower home Opens a package homepage into your favorite browser info Info of a particular package init Interactively create a bower.json file install Install a package locally link Symlink a package folder list List local packages - and possible updates login Authenticate with GitHub and store credentials lookup Look up a package URL by name prune Removes local extraneous packages register Register a package search Search for a package by name update Update a local package uninstall Remove a local package unregister Remove a package from the registry version Bump a package version Options: -f, --force Makes various commands more forceful -j, --json Output consumable JSON -l, --log-level What level of logs to report -o, --offline Do not hit the network -q, --quiet Only output important information -s, --silent Do not output anything, besides errors -V, --verbose Makes output more verbose --allow-root Allows running commands as root --version Output Bower version --no-color Disable colors See 'bower help <command>' for more information on a specific command.
temporary/mean.txt · 最終更新: 2015/07/02 01:00 by clownclown