

 ● ダウンロード・解凍
 CakePHP 本体
 # wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/zipball/1.3.6
 # unzip cakephp-cakephp-1.3.6-0-g4c33375.zip
 Datasources プラグイン
 # wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/cakephp/datasources/tarball/0.2
 # tar zxvf cakephp-datasources-0.2-0-geba5382.tar.gz
 ● cakephp の設置
 ■ DL直後の構成
  ├ app
  │ ├ xxxxx
  │ └ webroot
  ├ cake
  ├ plugins
  ├ vendors
  ├ .gitignore
  ├ .htaccess
  ├ index.php
 ■ 設置例
  ├ home
  │ └ clown
  │    └ cakeapp
  │       └ dbo_adodb.php
  │          └ app
  ├ usr
  │ └ lib
  │    └ cake
  ├ var
  │ └ www
  │    └ vhosts
  │       └ www6004u.sakura.ne.jp
  │          └ cake(webroot)
  │             └ index.php
 ■ プラグインの統合
 # cp -r cakephp-datasources-54d46ac/models/datasources/dbo/* cakephp-cakephp-f6748d4/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo/
 ■ コアライブラリ
 # mv cakephp-cakephp-f6748d4/cake/ /usr/lib/cake/
 ■ アプリ
 # mkdir -p /home/clown/cakeapp/
 # mv cakephp-cakephp-f6748d4/app/ /home/clown/cakeapp/app/
 ■ ドキュメントルート
 # mv /home/clown/cakeapp/app/webroot/ /var/www/vhosts/www6004u.sakura.ne.jp/cake/
 ■ パスの設定
 # vi /var/www/vhosts/www6004u.sakura.ne.jp/cake/index.php 
               //define('ROOT', dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))));
               define('ROOT', DS.'home'.DS.'clown'.DS.'cakeapp');
               //define('APP_DIR', basename(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))));
               define('APP_DIR', 'app');
               //define('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH', ROOT);
               define('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH', DS.'usr'.DS.'lib');
 # chmod -R 707 /home/clown/cakeapp/app/tmp/
 ● セキュリティ設定
 # vi /var/www/vhosts/www6004u.sakura.ne.jp/cake/app/config/core.php
 //      Configure::write('Security.salt', 'DYhG93b0qyJfIxfs2guVoUubWwvniR2G0FgaC9mi');
         Configure::write('Security.salt', 'ijlk409vajslk42kb954jagobfb44gagayajgoia');
 //      Configure::write('Security.cipherSeed', '76859309657453542496749683645');
         Configure::write('Security.cipherSeed', '51435636865003542876257623947');
 ● データベース設定ファイル編集
 # cp /var/www/vhosts/www6004u.sakura.ne.jp/cake/app/config/database.php.default /var/www/vhosts/www6004u.sakura.ne.jp/cake/app/config/database.php
 # vi /var/www/vhosts/www6004u.sakura.ne.jp/cake/app/config/database.php
         var $default = array(
                 'driver' => 'sqlite3',
                 'database' => '/var/www/vhosts/www6004u.sakura.ne.jp/db/fcb.db',
 ● bake
 # cd /var/www/vhosts/www6004u.sakura.ne.jp/cake/
 # cake/console/cake bake blog
 # cd /home/clown/
 # /usr/lib/cake/console/cake bake blog
 # /usr/lib/cake/console/cake -app /home/clown/blog bake blog
 Welcome to CakePHP v1.3.6 Console
 App : Post
 Path: /home/clown/Post
 Interactive Bake Shell
 [D]atabase Configuration
 [T]est case
 What would you like to Bake? (D/M/V/C/P/F/T/Q) 
 > m
 Bake Model
 Path: /home/clown/Post/models/
 Possible Models based on your current database:
 1. Post
 2. SqliteSequence
 Enter a number from the list above,
 type in the name of another model, or 'q' to exit  
 [q] > 1
 Would you like to supply validation criteria 
 for the fields in your model? (y/n) 
 [y] > 
 Field: id
 Type: integer
 Please select one of the following validation options:
 1 - alphanumeric
 2 - between
 3 - blank
 4 - boolean
 5 - cc
 6 - comparison
 7 - custom
 8 - date
 9 - decimal
 10 - email
 11 - equalto
 12 - extension
 13 - inlist
 14 - ip
 15 - maxlength
 16 - minlength
 17 - money
 18 - multiple
 19 - notempty
 20 - numeric
 21 - phone
 22 - postal
 23 - range
 24 - ssn
 25 - time
 26 - url
 27 - userdefined
 28 - Do not do any validation on this field.
 ... or enter in a valid regex validation string.
 [28] > 
 Field: title
 Type: text
 Please select one of the following validation options:
 1 - alphanumeric
 2 - between
 3 - blank
 4 - boolean
 5 - cc
 6 - comparison
 7 - custom
 8 - date
 9 - decimal
 10 - email
 11 - equalto
 12 - extension
 13 - inlist
 14 - ip
 15 - maxlength
 16 - minlength
 17 - money
 18 - multiple
 19 - notempty
 20 - numeric
 21 - phone
 22 - postal
 23 - range
 24 - ssn
 25 - time
 26 - url
 27 - userdefined
 28 - Do not do any validation on this field.
 ... or enter in a valid regex validation string.
 [28] > 19
 Would you like to add another validation rule? (y/n) 
 [n] > y
 Field: title
 Type: text
 Please select one of the following validation options:
 1 - alphanumeric
 2 - between
 3 - blank
 4 - boolean
 5 - cc
 6 - comparison
 7 - custom
 8 - date
 9 - decimal
 10 - email
 11 - equalto
 12 - extension
 13 - inlist
 14 - ip
 15 - maxlength
 16 - minlength
 17 - money
 18 - multiple
 19 - notempty
 20 - numeric
 21 - phone
 22 - postal
 23 - range
 24 - ssn
 25 - time
 26 - url
 27 - userdefined
 28 - Do not do any validation on this field.
 ... or enter in a valid regex validation string.
 [28] > 15
 Would you like to add another validation rule? (y/n) 
 [n] > 
 Field: body
 Type: text
 Please select one of the following validation options:
 1 - alphanumeric
 2 - between
 3 - blank
 4 - boolean
 5 - cc
 6 - comparison
 7 - custom
 8 - date
 9 - decimal
 10 - email
 11 - equalto
 12 - extension
 13 - inlist
 14 - ip
 15 - maxlength
 16 - minlength
 17 - money
 18 - multiple
 19 - notempty
 20 - numeric
 21 - phone
 22 - postal
 23 - range
 24 - ssn
 25 - time
 26 - url
 27 - userdefined
 28 - Do not do any validation on this field.
 ... or enter in a valid regex validation string.
 [28] > 19
 Would you like to add another validation rule? (y/n) 
 [n] > 
 Field: created
 Type: datetime
 Please select one of the following validation options:
 1 - alphanumeric
 2 - between
 3 - blank
 4 - boolean
 5 - cc
 6 - comparison
 7 - custom
 8 - date
 9 - decimal
 10 - email
 11 - equalto
 12 - extension
 13 - inlist
 14 - ip
 15 - maxlength
 16 - minlength
 17 - money
 18 - multiple
 19 - notempty
 20 - numeric
 21 - phone
 22 - postal
 23 - range
 24 - ssn
 25 - time
 26 - url
 27 - userdefined
 28 - Do not do any validation on this field.
 ... or enter in a valid regex validation string.
 [28] > 
 Field: modified
 Type: datetime
 Please select one of the following validation options:
 1 - alphanumeric
 2 - between
 3 - blank
 4 - boolean
 5 - cc
 6 - comparison
 7 - custom
 8 - date
 9 - decimal
 10 - email
 11 - equalto
 12 - extension
 13 - inlist
 14 - ip
 15 - maxlength
 16 - minlength
 17 - money
 18 - multiple
 19 - notempty
 20 - numeric
 21 - phone
 22 - postal
 23 - range
 24 - ssn
 25 - time
 26 - url
 27 - userdefined
 28 - Do not do any validation on this field.
 ... or enter in a valid regex validation string.
 [28] > 
 Would you like to define model associations
 (hasMany, hasOne, belongsTo, etc.)? (y/n) 
 [y] > n
 The following Model will be created:
 Name:       Post
 DB Table:   "posts"
 Validation: Array
     [title] => Array
             [notempty] => notempty
             [maxlength] => maxlength
     [body] => Array
             [notempty] => notempty
 Look okay? (y/n) 
 [y] > 
 Baking model class for Post...
 Creating file /home/clown/Post/models/post.php
 Wrote `/home/clown/Post/models/post.php`
 SimpleTest is not installed. Do you want to bake unit test files anyway? (y/n) 
 [y] > n
 Interactive Bake Shell
 [D]atabase Configuration
 [T]est case
 What would you like to Bake? (D/M/V/C/P/F/T/Q) 
 > c
 Bake Controller
 Path: /home/clown/Post/controllers/
 Possible Controllers based on your current database:
 1. Posts
 2. SqliteSequences
 Enter a number from the list above,
 type in the name of another controller, or 'q' to exit  
 [q] > 1
 Baking PostsController
 Would you like to build your controller interactively? (y/n) 
 [y] > 
 Would you like to use dynamic scaffolding? (y/n) 
 [n] > 
 Would you like to create some basic class methods 
 (index(), add(), view(), edit())? (y/n) 
 [n] > y
 Would you like to create the basic class methods for admin routing? (y/n) 
 [n] > 
 Would you like this controller to use other helpers
 besides HtmlHelper and FormHelper? (y/n) 
 [n] > 
 Would you like this controller to use any components? (y/n) 
 [n] > 
 Would you like to use Session flash messages? (y/n) 
 [y] > n
 The following controller will be created:
 Controller Name:
 Look okay? (y/n) 
 [y] >  
 Creating file /home/clown/Post/controllers/posts_controller.php
 Wrote `/home/clown/Post/controllers/posts_controller.php`
 SimpleTest is not installed. Do you want to bake unit test files anyway? (y/n) 
 [y] > n
 Interactive Bake Shell
 [D]atabase Configuration
 [T]est case
 What would you like to Bake? (D/M/V/C/P/F/T/Q) 
 > v
 Bake View
 Path: /home/clown/Post/views/
 Possible Controllers based on your current database:
 1. Posts
 2. SqliteSequences
 Enter a number from the list above,
 type in the name of another controller, or 'q' to exit  
 [q] > 1
 Would you like bake to build your views interactively?
 Warning: Choosing no will overwrite Posts views if it exist. (y/n) 
 [n] > 
 Creating file /home/clown/Post/views/posts/index.ctp
 Wrote `/home/clown/Post/views/posts/index.ctp`
 Creating file /home/clown/Post/views/posts/view.ctp
 Wrote `/home/clown/Post/views/posts/view.ctp`
 Creating file /home/clown/Post/views/posts/add.ctp
 Wrote `/home/clown/Post/views/posts/add.ctp`
 Creating file /home/clown/Post/views/posts/edit.ctp
 Wrote `/home/clown/Post/views/posts/edit.ctp`
 View Scaffolding Complete.
 Interactive Bake Shell
 [D]atabase Configuration
 [T]est case
 What would you like to Bake? (D/M/V/C/P/F/T/Q) 
 > q
temporary/cakephp.txt · 最終更新: 2014/11/04 08:02 by clownclown

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