# query
## 操作系
### 終了
> use admin switched to db admin > db.shutdownServer()
### DB一覧取得
> show dbs local (empty) test002 0.203125GB testdb (empty)
### DB削除
> show dbs local (empty) test002 0.203125GB testdb (empty) > use test002 switched to db test002 > db.dropDatabase() { "dropped" : "test002", "ok" : 1 } > show dbs local (empty) testdb (empty)
### コレクション削除
### カレントDBを確認
> db testdb
### カレントDBのコレクション一覧取得
> show collections system.indexes testcol testdata
### 最適化(※db容量と同等の空き容量がシステムに必要)
> use test002 switched to db test002 > db.repairDatabase()
### キーのリネーム
> db.test002.update({},{$rename:{"oldname":"newname"}},false,true);
## 一般
> db.コレクション名.処理種別( { 検索条件 } , { 取得項目 } )
select 取得カラム(= 取得項目) from テーブル名(= コレクション名) where 検索条件
### コレクション内のレコード数取得
> db.testdata.count() 150
### コレクション内の先頭1件取得
> db.testdata.findOne() { "_id" : ObjectId("5109be7579ee8df58e8feca6"), "entryId" : 1, "createdDatetime" : ISODate("2013-01-31T00:44:37.080Z"), "name" : "test01" }
### コレクション内のentryId=“99”のレコード取得
> db.testdata.find({entryId:"99"}) ⇒型が違うので、該当なし
### コレクション内のentryId=99のレコード取得
> db.testdata.find({entryId:99}) { "_id" : ObjectId("5109be7579ee8df58e8fed08"), "entryId" : 99, "createdDatetime" : ISODate("2013-01-31T00:44:37.086Z"), "name" : "test099" }
### コレクション内のentryId=99のレコード件数取得
> db.testdata.count({entryId:99}) 1
### コレクション内のentryId>99のレコード取得
> db.testdata.count( { entryId: { $gt: 99 } } ) 51
### コレクション内の99⇐entryId<102のレコード件数取得
> db.testdata.count( { entryId: { $gte: 99, $lt: 102 } } ) 3
### コレクション内の99⇐entryId<102のレコードをentryIdの降順に取得
> db.testdata.find( { entryId: { $gte: 99, $lt: 102 } } ).sort({entryId:-1}) { "_id" : ObjectId("5109be7579ee8df58e8fed0a"), "entryId" : 101, "createdDatetime" : ISODate("2013-01-31T00:44:37.086Z"), "name" : "test0101" } { "_id" : ObjectId("5109be7579ee8df58e8fed09"), "entryId" : 100, "createdDatetime" : ISODate("2013-01-31T00:44:37.086Z"), "name" : "test0100" } { "_id" : ObjectId("5109be7579ee8df58e8fed08"), "entryId" : 99, "createdDatetime" : ISODate("2013-01-31T00:44:37.086Z"), "name" : "test099" }
### コレクション内の99⇐entryId<102のレコードをentryIdの降順に取得して、整形して表示
> db.testdata.find({entryId:{$gte:99,$lt:102}}).sort({entryId:-1}).forEach(printjson) { "_id" : ObjectId("5109be7579ee8df58e8fed0a"), "entryId" : 101, "createdDatetime" : ISODate("2013-01-31T00:44:37.086Z"), "name" : "test0101" } { "_id" : ObjectId("5109be7579ee8df58e8fed09"), "entryId" : 100, "createdDatetime" : ISODate("2013-01-31T00:44:37.086Z"), "name" : "test0100" } { "_id" : ObjectId("5109be7579ee8df58e8fed08"), "entryId" : 99, "createdDatetime" : ISODate("2013-01-31T00:44:37.086Z"), "name" : "test099" }
### コレクション内の99⇐entryId<110のレコードをentryIdの降順に取得して、3件を整形して表示
> db.testdata.find({entryId:{$gte:99,$lt:110}}).sort({entryId:-1}).limit(3).forEach(printjson) { "_id" : ObjectId("5109be7579ee8df58e8fed12"), "entryId" : 109, "createdDatetime" : ISODate("2013-01-31T00:44:37.087Z"), "name" : "test0109" } { "_id" : ObjectId("5109be7579ee8df58e8fed11"), "entryId" : 108, "createdDatetime" : ISODate("2013-01-31T00:44:37.087Z"), "name" : "test0108" } { "_id" : ObjectId("5109be7579ee8df58e8fed10"), "entryId" : 107, "createdDatetime" : ISODate("2013-01-31T00:44:37.087Z"), "name" : "test0107" } >
### コレクション内の2013-05-07 13時までのレコード件数取得
> db.testdata.find({time: {$gte: ISODate("2013-05-07T13:00:00+09:00")}}).count();
### like検索(正規表現)i:大文字小文字を同一視
> db.access.find({referer: /})
### 特定項目(以下の例ではreferer)のみ取得
> db.access.find({}, {referer:1}) { "_id" : ObjectId("510b0daeddfe4129a7000002"), "referer" : "" }
### 登録・更新
> { a : 1 } ) </code>
### 削除
> db.collect.remove( { a : 1 } )
### sql対比
{ "a": "b" } SELECT * FROM test WHERE a = 'b'
{ "a": { "$ne" : "b" } } SELECT * FROM test WHERE a != 'b'
{ "a": { "$in" : [ "b", "c" ] } } SELECT * FROM test WHERE a IN ('b', 'c')
{ "a": { "$nin" : [ "b", "c" ] } } SELECT * FROM test WHERE a NOT IN ('b', 'c')
{ "a": { "$exists": 0 } } SELECT * FROM test WHERE a IS NULL
{ "a": { "$exists": 1 } } SELECT * FROM test WHERE a IS NOT NULL
{ "a": { "$lt" : 1 } } SELECT * FROM test WHERE a < '1'
{ "a": { "$gt" : 2 } } SELECT * FROM test WHERE a > '2'
{ "a": { "$lte" : 3 } } SELECT * FROM test WHERE a <= '3'
{ "a": { "$gte" : 4 } } SELECT * FROM test WHERE a >= '4'
{ "a": "b", "c": "d" } SELECT * FROM test WHERE (c = 'd' AND a = 'b')
{ "$and": [ { "a": "b" }, { "a": "d" } ] } SELECT * FROM test WHERE (a = 'b' AND a = 'd')
{ "$or": [ { "a": "b" }, { "c": "d" } ] } SELECT * FROM test WHERE (a = 'b' OR c = 'd')
{ "$or": [ { "a": "b", "c": "d" }, { "e": "f" } ] } SELECT * FROM test WHERE ((c = 'd' AND a = 'b') OR e = 'f')
{ "a": "b", "$or": [ { "c": "d" }, { "e": "f" } ] } SELECT * FROM test WHERE (a = 'b' AND (c = 'd' OR e = 'f'))
{ "$or": [ { "a": "b", "c": "d" }, { "e": "f", "g": "h" } ] } SELECT * FROM test WHERE ((c = 'd' AND a = 'b') OR (e = 'f' AND g = 'h'))
{ "$and": [ { "$or": [ { "a": "b" }, { "c": "d" } ] }, { "$or" : [ { "e": "f" }, { "g": "h" } ] } ] } SELECT * FROM test WHERE ((a = 'b' OR c = 'd') AND (e = 'f' OR g = 'h'))
mongodb/query.txt · 最終更新: 2016/06/22 06:36 by clownclown