Configuration File Options
#-- systemLog Options systemLog: verbosity: <int:0> quiet: <boolean> traceAllException: <boolean> syslogFacility: <string:user> path: <string> logAppend: <boolean:False> logRotate: <string:rename> destination: <string> timeStampFormat: <string:iso8601-local> component: accessControl: verbosity: <int:0> command: verbosity: <int:0> control: verbosity: <int:0> geo: verbosity: <int:0> index: verbosity: <int:0> network: verbosity: <int:0> query: verbosity: <int:0> replication: verbosity: <int:0> sharding: verbosity: <int:0> storage: verbosity: <int:0> journal: verbosity: <int:0> write: verbosity: <int:0> #-- processManagement Options processManagement: fork: <boolean:False> pidFilePath: <string> #-- net Options net: port: <int:27017> bindIp: <string:All interface> maxIncomingConnections: <int:65536> wireObjectCheck: <boolean:True> ipv6: <boolean:False> unixDomainSocket: enabled: <boolean:True> pathPrefix: <string:/tmp> filePermissions: <int:0700> http: enabled: <boolean:False> JSONPEnabled: <boolean:False> RESTInterfaceEnabled: <boolean:False> ssl: sslOnNormalPorts: <boolean> # deprecated since 2.6 mode: <string> PEMKeyFile: <string> PEMKeyPassword: <string> clusterFile: <string> clusterPassword: <string> CAFile: <string> CRLFile: <string> allowConnectionsWithoutCertificates: <boolean> allowInvalidCertificates: <boolean> allowInvalidHostnames: <boolean:False> net.ssl.FIPSMode: <boolean> #-- security Options security: keyFile: <string> clusterAuthMode: <string:keyFile> authorization: <string:disabled> javascriptEnabled: <boolean:True> sasl: hostName: <string> serviceName: <string> #-- setParameter Option setParameter: <parameter1>: <value1> <parameter2>: <value2> #-- storage Options storage: dbPath: <string> indexBuildRetry: <boolean:True> repairPath: <string:A _tmp directory within the path specified by the dbPath option> journal: enabled: <boolean:True on 64-bit systems, False on 32-bit systems> directoryPerDB: <boolean:False> syncPeriodSecs: <int:60> engine: <string:mmapv1> mmapv1: preallocDataFiles: <boolean:True> nsSize: <int:16> quota: enforced: <boolean:false> maxFilesPerDB: <int:8> smallFiles: <boolean:False> journal: debugFlags: <int> commitIntervalMs: <num:100 or 30> wiredTiger: engineConfig: cacheSizeGB: <number:the maximum of half of physical RAM or 1 gigabyte> statisticsLogDelaySecs: <number:0> journalCompressor: <string:snappy> directoryForIndexes: <boolean:false> collectionConfig: blockCompressor: <string:snappy> indexConfig: prefixCompression: <boolean:true> #-- operationProfiling Options operationProfiling: slowOpThresholdMs: <int:100> mode: <string:off> #-- replication Options replication: oplogSizeMB: <int> replSetName: <string> secondaryIndexPrefetch: <string:all> #-- sharding Options sharding: clusterRole: <string> archiveMovedChunks: <boolean:True> #-- auditLog Options auditLog: destination: <string> format: <string> path: <string> filter: <string> #-- snmp Options snmp: subagent: <boolean> master: <boolean> #-- mongos-only Options replication: localPingThresholdMs: <boolean:15> sharding: autoSplit: <boolean:True> configDB: <string> chunkSize: <int:64>
mongodb/config_yaml.txt · 最終更新: 2015/08/19 06:55 by clownclown